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Our Services

We support the "service management" of the hotel & hospitality industry using our unique practice, theory, and analysis methods.


We aim to realize highly rational service management based on the practical know-how of luxury hotel management and combining it with the knowledge of previous research in academia.

Given the current situation in which the manufacturing industry is also becoming a “service”, the value brought about by “service” and “hospitality” will have a great impact on various business models and will continue to obscure the business boundaries.

In order to realize sustainable management in such an environment, it is important to grasp the essence of "service" and "hospitality". However, the "practical" or "theoretical" knowledge of the service is not enough. This is because the intangible values ​​of "service" and "hospitality" are constantly changing due to changes in the capabilities of individual companies and the values ​​of customers. Therefore, the ability to respond quickly to changes in the service environment while maintaining scientific objectivity is essential. We support your service management with an approach that emphasizes the balance of practice, theory, and analysis.

Hotel Management


Operation support for hotels and inns

Human resource development support

Hotel / ryokan executive personnel training support, planning and management of seminars for hotel owners / operators


Book publishing / reports

R & D

Academic activities / joint research

© PGH Enterprise Co., Ltd.

​〒107-0061 東京都港区北青山3-6-7青山パラシオタワー11階

11F 3-6-7 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0061 JAPAN

TEL:+81 3-5778-5960 FAX: +81 3-5778-5961 Email:

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